
The Audience is
Part of the Show!

Xylobands feature 360ᶛ of bright light. With an array of colors and state-of-the-art LED’s Xylobands provide synchronized light effects to light up every person in your entire venue and create a unique and memorable group experience.

Xylobands LED Wristbands are the perfect addition for your corporate or private event, live music concert or large stadium sporting event.

(310) 822-6790
Contact Us

Thank you

Thank you for your request for information.
We will respond to you by email with details for your planning.


You may also give us a call at TLC and we can answer any questions!
(310) 822-6790 – 9:30 to 6:00 pm, PST


Did you know we provide Live Special Effects services, such as confetti, streamers to laser beams and pyrotechnics?
Visit our TLC is Creative website for more ideas and effects for your events!

Thank you - Xylobands